A: We prioritize quick delivery, so please contact us immediately for any order modifications at mmiller@otmwatches.com. Note that changes might not be possible once the order reaches our fulfillment center.
A: Orders typically ship within 1-2 business days. You'll receive a tracking number via email once shipped.
A: Currently, we do not offer international shipping, but we're looking to expand our services in the future.
A: We accept returns/exchanges within 30 days in their original condition. Email us at mmiller@otmwatches.com for a return label and instructions.
A: Our 1-year warranty covers defects in material or workmanship for the original purchaser. It excludes wear and tear, and damage from misuse.
A: Our watches are designed, assembled, and tested in the United States, ensuring top-notch quality.
A: Yes, we do! Please contact us at mmiller@otmwatches.com for verification and to receive your discount code.
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